All the last information you need before the start of the 2016 ICF Canoe Sprint World Cup in Račice could be found HERE. The last info includes all details regarding accreditation, parking, catering and all other details including GPS tracking of all boats. If you need to change crews, you can use this form HERE.
Uzbekistan, Moldavia, China, Japan or Cuba and Ecuador. Also these countries can be found in the list of attending counties for the ICF Canoe Sprint World Cup in Racice from 27 to 29 May this year. Already 632 team members from 38 countries are registered. The events will bring a few innovations. More you can read in this article.
Pozor, Světový pohár začíná už za tři týdny. Na tribuně je spousta místa a my ji chceme vidět plnou. Pozvěte kamarády a přijďte podpořit český tým doma v Račicích 27. - 29. května!
The 2016 ICF Sprint Canoe World Cup in Račice will start in three weeks. Check out and share this video. Looking forward to see you in Račice!
Eleven canoe sprint national team members will try to fight for the spot in Rio de Janeiro at the Olympic additional qualification race in Duisburg. Double canoe crew Jaroslav Radon and Filip Dvořák have the best chance to qualify. Also the next double kayakers Jakub, Jakub Zavřel will start as well as the next five Czech boats. At the same time, thanks to a victory in the selection race among kayakers at 1kilometer, Špicar will be part of the kayak four crew in the first two races of the World Cup.
- The longest training camp in their career. And now, the fight for Rio
- Fuksa tried new boat and is glad that he has his masseur at the training camp
- Accreditation for media is open
- Cuban team for the first time in Račice