Check out the detailed timetable for the 2016 Canoe Sprint World Cup in Račice on May 27-29. You can find programme for all three days HERE. Final races will take place on Saturday morning and on Sunday. Information about TV coverage will be available later as well as online result system. Fans and visitors will have free entry for the World Cup. We are looking forward to see you in Račice.
The ICF system for online entries is now open. You can find it HERE. We would like to kindly remind you that the hotel reservations and boat for rent reservations were supposed to be sent by January 31st 2016. You can find all the details HERE. Please, send the reservations as soon as possible. Bulletin with complete information about the 2016 ICF Canoe Sprint World Cup in Račice can be found HERE.
Co nezapomenout na dlouhou cestu na soustředění do zámoří? Pádlo, záklek do lodi... „A zejména špunty do uší a sluchátka. To bude zásadní, aby všichni přežili,“ říkal se smíchem kanoista Filip Dvořák. S parťákem Jaroslavem Radoněm a trenérem a otcem Liborem Dvořákem totiž stráví 66 dní přípravou v Newportu a v Chula Vistě. „Takhle dlouho jsme na soustředění ještě nebyli. Ale nevíme, kolik olympiád nás ještě čeká. Buďme realisté, možná je to poslední šance, tak pro to musíme udělat maximum,“ dodal Jaroslav Radoň.