Testing GPS system for race visualisation

The ICF and Swiss Timing have introduced a global positioning system (GPS) for all 3 World Cup events in anticipation for the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro 2016 where this system will be used. On each boat for the Olympic discipline races a tracking device will be mounted. In order to facilitate the process and not to disrupt the athlete’s preparation it is requested all boats have a holder fixed on the deck of the boat for the tracker in advance of the races.

Each boat of the Olympic classes which go to the scale will get a holder mounted at the boat. The scale is in the boathouse, the last box at the right side (point 19 at the map) This operation is just needed for the boats which don’t have a holder yet and will be available from Thursday morning until Thursday evening.

During the competition the tracker will be mounted on the holder before the boat embarks into the water and will be removed when the boats are leaving the water from the pontoon.

This operation will done at the ID Control (point 10 at the map)

The data from the tracking system for each race will be available on the ICF web page and available from ICF staff.

With kind regards,

Frank Garner                                                                       Peter Brueckner

ICF Technical delegate                                            Swiss Timing Team leader


map gps testing
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